2025: Freelance & Project Manager - France & Worldwide - www.optimisation-entreprise.fr - www.IT-Asia.com

Developing work interfaces is a significant aspect of our business, although they are often accessible only after authentication, making them challenging to showcase. My initial training in commercial data processing forms the foundation of my expertise, encompassing PDF generation, financial flow management, statistics, and more. Here are some examples from the past 20 years.

2015 : Music Publisher
Our portfolio includes the management of music catalogs, sheets, and CDs. This entails a CD track management interface where each track is linked to three types of sheet music and its corresponding MP3 file. The interface allows for the sorting of tracks via drag-and-drop functionality and supports the management of multi-CD boxes.

2013 : Backup Management
This screen displays email transfer tracking, organized by date and customer. Each directory is color-coded to indicate whether the email signifies a successful operation, a failed operation, or is missing. Further details and additional screens are available here.

2012 : Production line management
Employees assignment to the production stages, by products and customers. This project involved the assignment of employees to production stages based on products and customers. It included different levels of visibility for administrators, employees, and suppliers. The system was accessible via web and Android versions. Additional screens are available here.

2011 : Nursery management
Weekly planning projection by cradle. This project focused on generating weekly planning projections using a cradle system. Additionally, it included automatic contract generation for the child's family. Further screens detailing the project can be found here.

2010 : ISM (Internation School of Management - Paris)
Payment plans management. This project involved the management of both projected and actual payment plans, including forecasts and actions taken. Additionally, it included functionalities such as billing PDF generation, automatic email notifications, and more. For additional insights, please refer to the Facebook album available here.

2008 : Cashier & Vouchers - Hammerson (France)
Implemented a cashier and voucher management system for Hammerson, France. This system provided sales statistics categorized by product categories and types. It was utilized in various locations such as Place d'Italie, Forum des Halles, Cergy, etc. Additional screens detailing the project can be found here.

2003 : Payrolls and Profit Slips - Sésame Expert
Developed a payroll management tool within Sésame Expert, incorporating schedules, profit sharing reports, charges, and various parameters. This tool enabled the generation of documents similar to the one below.