2025: Freelance & Project Manager - France & Worldwide - www.optimisation-entreprise.fr - www.IT-Asia.com

"The capacity to transmit is a gift.
The ability to transmit is a talent.
The will to transmit is a choice."
These texts are utilized for teaching and training purposes in France, Quebec, Morocco, and various public or private colleges and universities. Thank you for your continued support and feedback :)

Technical writter (Freelance) for Pearson Education France about Database Architecture. Published by InformIT [French version] (www.InformIt.fr)
Book in progress.

Original versions (sorry, they are all in French -):
Histoire des Base de Données
Bases de Données Relationnelles
Merise - Merise 2 - Merise 3 - Merise 4 - Merise 5 - Merise 6 - Merise 7 - Merise 8
8 of them seem to be still online today (Avril 2005):
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - 5 - 6 - 7 - 8
The defunct Website ClasseWeb published as well some writings.

Some users have kindly informed me that they are using my work. I appreciate their feedback and acknowledgment.
Université Paris V - Paris
Université Laval - CANADA
Institut d'Informatique de Québec - CANADA
Lycée Le Likès - Quimper - FRANCE : BTS Comptabilité
Lycée Turgot - Paris - FRANCE : BTS Comptabilité
Sophia Antipolis (Nice) - IUT - ACSI (Analyse et Conception des Systèmes d'Informations)
Sophia Antipolis (Nice) - IUT - UML

And lastly, I want to express my heartfelt gratitude to everyone who has taken the time to send me these kind emails. Your messages have brought me immense joy and encouragement. Thank you once again, and I wish you all the very best on your journey ahead.
=>Self-satisfaction Page (In French only) <=